so here i am, 6 and half years clean and i am battling my weight...again. having once ballooned up to 314, then gotten down to 233, now, after injury and baumgartner type dive off the healthy food wagon i am at 299. i have to find my way again, out of the obsession of eating. it is "using" in a different sort of way- the drugs are gone but the need to fill a craving remains.
weight gain...still
The Importance of Al-Anon for Family Members
The Importance of Al-Anon for Family Members
By Vicki Nash
I am a grateful recovering alcoholic, as well as a grateful recovering survivor of a couple of dysfunctional family systems. I have been on every side of this disease, beginning as the daughter of an alcoholic, the wife of an alcoholic (big surprise), my own alcoholism, and the mother of an alcoholic. Yes, this is indeed a disastrous family disease that destroys wonderful, loving people in the process.
Hello. I'm new on this site. I just wanted to say hey to everyone and anyone. I'm in my early 30s and I live in MN. I'm not new to AA but I've only been sober for almost 5 months. I feel different this time though. I have a sponsor.
For now, my higher power is all life's connection, the universe, Love, and Xena: Warrior Princess. I'm close to being an athiest, but not quite. The higher power thing is something to work out.
I'm feeling positive today because I feel so much freer when I'm hangover-free:)
So glad I found this place. I am looking forward to gaining comradery with like minded folks who are actively working on the 12 steps in order to over come their addiction with food. I am a new member of Overeaters Anonymous. I am working on step one. I am hoping to find others that are doing the same.
Asking for help in Twelve-step program
Once you start attending Narcotics Anonymous 12 step meeting the next thing you probably want to do is start working the 12 steps. It is not recommended that you do this alone, because this is a "we" program: we can't do it alone. Keep your ear out for someone sharing in your meetings that you can identify with, and like their message. Ask this person to be your sponsor. If they can't, don't take it personally ("It's not all about you") and just keep trying. The right person will be there at the right time. A sponsor will ask you to follow their suggestions.
- Anonymous's blog
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I have the same problem.
I have the same problem. Drugs and alcohol are not an issue anymore but food? oh boy!
I find myself relieved when I am on low carb diet but then once in a while I go on a binge. Now that I am sick of the low carb diets, I stopped it about a month ago. Now I must accept all the weight gains and the cravings.
I go to OA and almost everybody there advising me to start the 301 plan as they believe it was the end of their struggle with weight gains. I am not sure why I did not start the 301 plan yet; am I afraid to let go of food-comfort? Am I afraid of being hungry sometimes? Is it worth it? It seems that I need to work my steps on food, what am I waiting for?
I am all private
i totally understand the
i totally understand the whole weight gain thing. i am 21 mths clean,& i have gained around 65lbs. im 5'1" & 186lbs. its taken me quite a while to just get used to being in my skin. and of course i still have days where i dont wanna leave the house cuz i feel so fat. but i force myself to go. ive decided that i would rather be fat&happy than thin&miserable. ive embraced the big girl!! i love myself now&noone can take that from me.
When I was 23 years old and I
When I was 23 years old and I stopped boozing. I found fast food it was my friend. it was good to me until one day I woke up and weighed over 300 lbs. I got ok with myself. but I was not doing anything about my recovery. I didn't even want to admit that I had a problem. after 11 years of doing this. I relapsed and became worse than before. not only booz but other street drugs. I droped weight and a lot. I looked like I weighed 70 lbs. I got sick and tired of being sick and tired. I started going to meetings. AA and NA I started to get on the right tack. went to treatment. that helped a lot. I told my self I was going to eat healthy and stay in the program. in ten years I think I gained some, but in a healthy way. to this day I still struggle with my weight issue. but I can cope with it with the support of meetings and friends. recovery did and will fill that void. I hop this helps you. Take care and God bless.