Our Mission Statement
Our goal is to help people in recovery process their challenges, be clear on their intentions, and recover from addictions and unhealthy patterns of living. We do this by providing free processing tools and an online safe place to write, to connect and to express themselves.

Here at twelvestepjournaling.com (TSJ) we are dedicated to assisting our members in their recovery work and journaling. We want to bring some of the latest and most convenient ways to work, connect, share, store, protect and enjoy the journaling process for our members.
It is important for us to mention that we are not associated or affiliated with any 12 Step Program, such as Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, Overeaters Anonymous, Al-Anon, etc., nor do we intend to replace them. Our online journaling service is only meant as compliment and enhancement to your chosen 12 Step Program(s), such as their literature, regular meeting attendance, fellowshipping, working with a sponsor/sponsee.
We hope you benefit from our tools as much as we love being able to share them with you.
We wish you more clarity, health & welbeing through journaling!