NA step 1

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Annamarie0177's picture
Step Number: 
What does unmanageability mean to me?

Dishonest to my familyou

Neglectid my kidschedule

Lost parental rights to my older ones

Lost our homend

Couldn't keep car

Unable to focus on responsibilities 

Couldn't keep job or find one

Lied cheated to get drugs


In and out of rehabed

Unable to handle life

Needed to stay high 



Public - accessible to all site users


StephanieDolzall's picture


It means when I have everything to loose that's good in my life and nothing good to gain from it, yet I keep doing it.  I promise myself and everyone else, on my kids lives, that I won't do it again, and pow.... there I go again.

It is when I find myself locked up AGAIN the second time, after I promised and swore I'd never ever get in that predicument again, and here I sit, can't get out, can't see my family, my children are in the system, I'm at the mercy of the Judge, and there's not a thing I can do about it after I manage to get locked up again.

It's when my adult children hang up the phone because they don't want to deal with a messed up parent anymore. I try to not use around them, but end up messing that up too.

It's when I start inflicting self harm again because I can't stand the person I've become.  Suicide becomes an option that looks appealing.

Those are a few....