The 12 steps of Narcotics Anonymous or Alcoholic Anonymous are usually introduced in recovering alcoholics and addicts during their stay in drug rehab. Some inhabitants respond to the 12 steps with doubt, and even though the 12 steps are not a scientific method or an evidence-based program of addiction treatment, they do provide a lot of importance to people new to upturn and are a worthwhile insertion in any alcohol or drug treatment program. Here are some benefits of 12 Steps Support Groups.
I am starting this journey of recovery and really need and want feedback. I am seeing a councelor for the last 5 months. Iʻve slipped up 2 times since.
My entire family knows, including my 3 children. Itʻs painful and scary. My councelor keeps telling me that I am moving forward but that i need to surrender to my addiction instead of trying to beat it....iʻm not sure how to surrender and what that really means? I admit i have a problem and i want to get better.
I find myself looking inward over the past few days, and to be honest I have no idea who I am seeing in the mirror. I see an adict, a lyer, thief, and many other horrible things. Finally reaching the point of being sick and tired, and wanting to see my old self again I called my doctor today and for the first time, I admitted to having a problem and to see what options I have. After a bit I found out they will send me to a outpatient clinic where I will be given medication to help with the problem, also I will attend meetings, drug test, and even a shrink to help with other issues which