A Guide to Overcoming Addiction

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Author: Patrick Meninga
What is the secret to tackling a complex problem such as addiction?
Newcomers to recovery will stumble and fail in high numbers because they fail to take action in a few key areas.
Most people think that it is a problem of knowledge, that the chronic relapse victim simply doesn't know how to stay clean. This is untrue because there is no great secret to recovery but there is some hard work involved. So it is a question of conviction and taking some real action in your life.
There are a ton of drug addicts and alcoholics out there who keep relapsing and coming back to meetings, totally confused as to how they can not make a breakthrough and stay clean." They think that they are failing to grasp a key concept of recovery, but in fact what they are doing is failing in terms of execution. It is not a lack of knowledge that defeats them but a lack of action.
Overcoming addiction requires work. It will not work if you just passively try to avoid your problem or ignore it. There are a number of different recovery programs out there and the most popular one is undoubtedly Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous. Regardless of which program you follow, the key is in taking action.
None of the recovery programs out there are special or have the secret sauce that the other programs are lacking--it doesn't work that way. You can be sober if you follow virtually any recovery program. The key is in actually following it. You have to put forth the work and the effort if you want to receive the benefits.
One of the biggest keys is in finding a way to connect with others in early recovery. Many will do this and still relapse, but the support you get from networking with others in recovery cannot be denied. If you are serious about making it through early recovery then you are going to need help and the best way to do this is to find others who are on the same path. Whether or not you believe in the 12 step program is irrelevant because anyone can benefit from the peer support you can get from that fellowship.
Now this element of networking is critical for newcomers in overcoming addiction but as you progress in recovery then a shift needs to occur. The reason for this is because what got you clean and sober will not keep you clean and sober. The tactics you use for early recovery can only carry you so far and eventually you will need to make the shift towards personal growth. If you do this then you can enjoy a lifetime of recovery instead of becoming dependent on meetings and possibly relapsing.
It is not that meetings are bad for the recovering alcoholic or drug addict, but only that a dependency on them that is bad. If you are afraid to quit going to meetings after a few years of recovery then something is wrong. You want to try some different avenues of personal growth so that you do not become entirely reliant on meetings.
Once you learn how to push yourself to grow in different areas of your life then you can move beyond the traditional social solution that is daily meetings and group therapy and start really living a solid life of recovery.
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carolyn's picture

I have in complete denial  eating everything while the thought is going through my mind that tomorrow I will get back on track.  The reality is tommorow never comes.  Thiss was  a great article for me.  I plan to call Spirit River to recovery