My friend I been trying to get out of the relationship came by this morning. I was in Underearners fellowship time after a phone meeting. when he came.
I don't understand this website very well. It says to get the worksheets you have to go to the public forum? What happens if you want to work the steps but you don't know where to get them?
well here goes nothing. one month ago i moved 350 miles to start a new life. this guy we will call him mark asked me to move in with him and i said yes. i quit my full time fob after 3 years gave up my aparment i had this for 5 years. Mark owes me 1,500 dollars. he is also in recovery 5 years. and is 11 years younger han me. maybe this brothers him i dont know. it seam latley the only time he talks to me is when he wants something. and not sex. because we have not had sex with each other. so i guess im just very confused of what his intentios are.
I am a grateful recovering alcoholic, as well as a grateful recovering survivor of a couple of dysfunctional family systems. I have been on every side of this disease, beginning as the daughter of an alcoholic, the wife of an alcoholic (big surprise), my own alcoholism, and the mother of an alcoholic. Yes, this is indeed a disastrous family disease that destroys wonderful, loving people in the process.
I am starting this journey of recovery and really need and want feedback. I am seeing a councelor for the last 5 months. Iʻve slipped up 2 times since.
My entire family knows, including my 3 children. Itʻs painful and scary. My councelor keeps telling me that I am moving forward but that i need to surrender to my addiction instead of trying to beat it....iʻm not sure how to surrender and what that really means? I admit i have a problem and i want to get better.