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November 28 – Daily Reflections

Through many painful experiences, we think we have arrived at what that policy ought to be. It is the opposite in many ways of usual promotional practice. We found that we had to rely upon the principle of attraction rather than of promotion.  TWELVE AND TWELVE, pp. 180-81

While I was drinking I reacted with anger, self-pity and defiance against anyone who wanted to change me. All I wanted then was to be accepted by another human simply as I was and,  curiously,  that  is what  I found  in A.A.  I became the custodian of this concept of attraction, which is the principle of our Fellowship's public relations. It is by attraction  that  I  can  best  reach  the  alcoholic  who  still suffers.
I thank God for having given me the attraction of a well- planned and established program of Steps and Traditions. Through humility and the support of my fellow sober members, I have been able to practice the A.A. way of life through attraction, not promotion.


jnamaste's picture

This concept of attraction versus promotion has the benefit of personal responsibility. Not only on the group level, as individuals my behavior would be of maximum service to others by showing others happy, joyous and free. Not telling them, showing them
