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November 29 – Daily Reflections

To us, however, it represents far more than a sound public relations policy. It is more than a denial of self-seeking. This Tradition is a constant and practical reminder that personal ambition has no place in A A. In it, each member becomes an active guardian of our Fellowship. TWELVE AND TWELVE, p. 183

The basic concept of humility is expressed in the Eleventh Tradition: it allows me to participate completely in the program in such a simple, yet profound, manner; it fulfills my need to be an integral part of a significant whole. Humility  brings  me  closer  to  the  actual  spirit  of togetherness and oneness, without which I could not stay sober. In remembering that every member is an example of sobriety, each one living the Eleventh Tradition, I am able to experience  freedom  because  each one  of us is anonymous.