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Daily Reflections - July 6

The chief activator of our defects has been self-centered fear. . . . TWELVE AND TWELVE, p. 76

When I feel uncomfortable, irritated, or depressed, I look for fear. This "evil and corroding thread" is the root of my distress: Fear of failure; fear of others' opinions; fear of harm, and many other fears. I have found a Higher Power who does not want me to live in fear and, as a result, the experience of A.A. in my life is freedom and joy. I am no longer willing to live with the multitude of character de- fects that characterized my life while I was drinking. Step Seven is my vehicle to freedom from these defects. I pray for help in identifying the fear underneath the defect, and then I ask God to relieve me of that fear. This method works for me without fail and is one of the great miracles of my life in Alcoholics Anonymous.

Step 7


Alcoholic Anonymous's picture

Over my sober years, I had to revisit my character defects over and over again. Some do go away and some are stick with a glue. I have to keep working step 7 sometimes on the same character defects asking my higher power to remove it.